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do background remove, any photoshop editing, retouch, design

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Thanks for visiting my task, below the details are given which i am offering in this Task.

I will remove background, retouching, or any design work starting at $1.50.

do background remove, any photoshop editing, retouch, design.

Services includes

photo retouching

Background removal

Remove any person or product from photo


Any Design Work

Social Banners

Web Banners


and many more....

What you will get with this task?

High quality photo editing service

Customer satisfaction.

Your amazing photos within 24 hours or less.

Unlimited revisions

Why do you choose Me?

Professional !

Very Easy to communicate and Friendly.

High Quality and Fast Delivery of work.

Always give what you desire until your 100% satisfaction.

Friendly Customer Service

On -time Delivery with in or before 24 hours.

Money back  Guaranty in any failure. 



What will you get?

Final Product

High quality PNG file.

High quality JPG file.

PSD File

Unlimited revisions

background remove

Quantity: 1
Price: $1.50
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