Digital mediaplan

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A media strategy is an important first step in (online) marketing. Every effective campaign starts with a solid and thought out plan. Defining which channel is being used. Who do you want to target. What should be the message. Budget allocation and an estimate based on kpi's. With over 15 years of experience in online marketing, i have succesfully managed campaigns in 27+ countries for lots of advertisers. Including Samsung, Adyen, Fiat, Friesland Campina (baby food), Basic Fit, Loreal, Nespresso and many more!

What will you get?

You will receive a mediaplan in PDF. The mediaplan includes the briefing, selection of channels (fb, twitter, linkedin, video, display etc) and audiences that should be targeted. What message and which format should be used. An estimate on the outcome (clicks, leads, sales, viewability etc).

Quantity: 1
Price: $100.00