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Vector Tracing

Convert images with vector tracing services, with prices starting from just $1
Showing 1 to 44 of 332 Tasks
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Convert raster logo to vector

5.0 (99)
1 Day /

I can redraw ,vector trace, or recreate your logo or image perfectly

5.0 (157)
1 Day /

High Quality Vector Tracing And Logo Design

4.9 (39)
3 Days /

vector tracing, and logo redraw, vector from raster image

5.0 (41)
21 Days /

I will draw unique one line art, vector art illustration of your portrait

5.0 (3)
1 Day /

I will Vectorize, Redraw, Convert Logo Image or Graphic to Vector

5.0 (4)
1 Day /

i will Creative amazing unique eye catching T-shirt design

4.6 (5)
1 Day /

I can do Manual do vector tracing in 2 hours

5.0 (5)
3 Days /

Convert your sketch, logo, image in vector high quality

5.0 (2)
1 Day /

I will draw your cat, dog, or any pet into cartoon vector portrait.

4.7 (3)
1 Day /

I Will Design Vector Illustration Of Your Car.

5.0 (1)
1 Day /

I Will Draw a Detail Vector Line Art Or Illustrations

5.0 (2)
1 Day /

I Will Do Vector Tracing, Logo, Image, Vectorize Or Illustration

5.0 (2)
1 Day /

I Will Redraw Logos Or Images And Do Vector Tracing

5.0 (1)
1 Day /

I will do vector tracing, image to vector and logo to vector in high quality

5.0 (1)
2 Days /

I will do jpg to vector, redraw in high resolution in 1,2 hours

5.0 (1)
1 Day /

I can do manually vector tracing, redesign and clean up logo

5.0 (2)
1 Day /

I will create dxf and cnc or more files for ready to laser or plasma cut.

5.0 (1)
1 Day /

Vector editable logo design

5.0 (2)
1 Day /

I will draw vector portrait from your photo

5.0 (1)
1 Day /

I will do vector tracing, raster to vector,logo,image art, line art, illustration perfectly

5.0 (1)
2 Days /

I will convert your pdf, image or sketch technical drawing to CAD file

5.0 (1)
3 Days /

I will create a vector trace of your photo in illustrator

5.0 (1)
1 Day /

I will draw unique one line art, vector art illustration

4.0 (2)
1 Day /
OnlineNew Task

I will do Vector business logo design for you

2 Days /
New Task

Vector Designer for CNC

14 Days /
New Task

Vector or raster logos/graphics

2 Days /
New Task

I will do manual vector tracing for your Raster image or logo

1 Day /
New Task

coreldraw designer

1 Day /
New Task

Illustration, tattoo sketch, vector portraits

1 Day /
New Task

Logo and Vector Design

7 Days /
New Task

I will vector trace your image

3 Days /
New Task


2 Days /
New Task

Digitize for embroidery

3 Days /
New Task

I will create a vector art of your photo

3 Days /
New Task

VectoriZe your Images / photos

1 Day /
New Task

WPAP Vector

7 Days /
New Task

I Will Illustrate Your Logo Images to Vector Fast

2 Days /
New Task

Vector anime

2 Days /
New Task

I will recreate logo to vector, vectorise illustrator anything

2 Days /
New Task

I Will Illustrate Your Logo Image Ideas to Vector Fast

1 Day /
New Task

I will convert low quality raster designs to high quality jpg png and vector ai eps svg pdf

1 Day /
New Task

Image to vector

2 Days /
New Task

i will create vector version of your photo (Soft File)

3 Days /

How to hire the best designer for vector tracing

Vector tracing or vector drawing can be confusing. It’s really quite simple, but if you’re not totally aware of what it is, it can seem baffling. So, you have an image that is grainy, lacks a transparent background and needs to be far better quality. Luckily for you, vector tracing sounds like just what you need.


What is vector drawing (also known as vector tracing)?

Vector tracing, or vector drawing, is the process of tracing an existing image and turning it into a vector, giving you greater control over the quality of the image and allowing you to use it in different places. You can take a grainy, low quality image, have it traced and end up with a high quality PNG with that all important transparent background.

Who is vector drawing for?

Vector drawing is for anyone who has an existing image of their logo but needs it traced to improve the quality, add a transparent background, or simply have an existing JPG file traced to become PNG.

Why is it important?

It is important for your logo to be in the best quality possible, and ideally have a transparent background. This is so you can use your logo on many forms of media and in many places without the background colour getting in the way. It’s also important for the quality to be high as the last thing you want is a low resolution, pixelated, blown up logo.

What information will I need to brief my designer?

All you need to provide is the existing image of your logo. This will most likely be in JPG format.

How will I receive my finished logo?

You’ll receive your finished, vector traced logo in either PNG, SVG or JPG, or all three if you require! Your finished logo will be of a high enough quality to be expanded if need be without pixelating..

How much does vector tracing cost?

Vector drawing can be pricey, but with prices start from as little as $1!

Why should I get a professional freelancer on to trace my logo for me?

It’s best to get a professional to trace your logo for you to make sure your finished logo is of the highest possible quality. If you have any questions for a Seller who is offering vector tracing, it’s always a good idea to reach out to them before purchasing.