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Email Marketing

Unlock more customers with email marketing using an freelancer today
Showing 1 to 44 of 184 Tasks
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Expert Email Marketer: Premium Email Collection

5.0 (1)
Delivery Icon 3 Days /

Email Marketer Specialist: Active & Verified Email Collection

5.0 (1)
Delivery Icon 3 Days /

LinkedIn Lead generation and Scrap profiles with emails

5.0 (1)
Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I will design HTML responsive editable email template or newsletter

New Task
Delivery Icon 3 Days /

I will collect your niche targeted email list

New Task
Delivery Icon 3 Days /

I will do mailchimp template design, email marketing and automation

New Task
Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I will design responsive code HTML email template

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Delivery Icon 3 Days /

I will collect your niche targeted email list for Your business

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Delivery Icon 4 Days /

I will do b2b lead generation for your business

New Task
Delivery Icon 2 Days /

I will create and setup effective email marketing automation flow

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Delivery Icon 3 Days /

I Will extract active targeted emails from any social media platform

New Task
Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I will collect/scrap valid emails from any social media platform

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Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I well create Niche targeted active email list .

New Task
Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I Will Create Professional Clickable HTML Email Signature for you.

New Task
Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I will do Bulk Email Validation or Verification within 2 hours

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Delivery Icon 1 Day /

I will Provide Targeted Email List for you in cheap price

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Delivery Icon 1 Day /
Delivery Icon 2 Days /

Best virtual assistant / executive assistant services provider

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Delivery Icon 1 Day /
Delivery Icon 2 Days /

Finding email marketing services

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to engage with and monetise your audience. But with so many email marketing services available it can be hard to choose one that suits your needs. Do you need to keep your fans updated with a regular newsletter, or do you want to introduce your customers to new products? The best way to get started is to find a freelance email marketing provider who suits your needs. We recommend talking to freelancers about what email marketing services they provide and whether it suits you before making a decision on who to go with.


What is email marketing?

Email marketing is the process of sending emails out to your subscribers, customers or followers with the intention of informing them of news, educating them about products, or enticing them to buy more from you with offers. It is used by brands across all industries and sectors to increase their revenue and customer engagement. When thinking about getting started with email marketing, you should consider the following:

  • Are your customers ‘opted-in’. You should only contact customers with email marketing if they have told you that they are happy for you to do so, and you must provide them with a way to unsubscribe from your email list. We recommend reading up on what the local regulations are for you.
  • What do your customers want to hear about? Are they interested in emails about new products/services, or would they like hints and tips? There are all sorts of things you can communicate with email - it’s important to make sure what you’re sending is relevant and appealing to your subscribers
  • What email marketing platform will you use? You should avoid sending out email marketing using an ordinary personal email account - this can get you flagged as spam. There are all kinds of providers out there who can help you with this - from Mailchimp to Sendgrid. If you’re not sure, a freelance email marketing provider can help guide you.
How freelance email marketing works

Email marketing is, of course, about sending emails to subscribers and/or customers. It works by giving your customers timely, helpful information that they can read when it’s convenient for them. But if you aren’t sure what you’re doing it can go wrong.

A freelance email marketer can help you get it right by helping with the following:

  • They could recommend a recognised email marketing service or platform. This will make it easier for you to manage your subscriber lists and will mean your emails are less likely to be marked as spam.
  • They could make you an email marketing design template that is appealing and reflects your brand. It’s best to use a freelancer for this.
  • They could help you with the copywriting for your emails so they read well and are interesting.
  • They could ensure your emails are targeted to your subscribers, and some can even help you create a strategy for building and growing your list of subscribers.
  • They could help you set your strategy for how regularly you will send email marketing to your subscribers. If you send emails too often they may unsubscribe.
Is email marketing effective?

Email marketing is extremely effective when used correctly. Many companies find that they get significant upticks in revenue every time they send an email out to their customers.

However - that doesn’t mean it is always effective. If you are not using targeted email marketing (ie. if you’re not sending relevant emails to people who are interested in them) you won’t have much success. That’s why we always say the best way to get your campaign off to a good start is to use a good freelance email marketer who knows what they are doing.

What email marketing freelancer should I use?

When choosing the right email marketing freelancer you should consider the following:

  • What skills do you need the freelancer for? Most freelancers have specialist skills. Do you need an email designer, writer, or email marketing strategist? You might need to use more than one freelancer.
  • Do you get on with the freelancer? The AnyTask Platform allows you to chat to potential freelancers before you work with them to ensure they understand your needs.
  • How quickly do you need to start email marketing? If you need it right away, you might consider starting with the ‘currently online’ freelance email marketers first.