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I will build or customize business website or ecommerce website online store

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⤨ Install WordPress and woocommerce plugin

⤨ Multiple payment gateway setup

⤨ Categories product listing

⤨ add difference classes

⤨ customer registration

⤨ News later.

⤨ Dynamic pricing table for online store

⤨ create groping product

⤨ Responsive eCommerce website

⤨ setup your business online store location 

⤨ add shipping zone for business

⤨ create coupons code

⤨ add a discount for a specific day

⤨ online store customization

⤨ add multiple currencies for online store

⤨ downloadable product upload

⤨ dynamic pricing list

⤨ simple product upload

⤨ Multi-currency 

⤨ Multi-Language

⤨ Social sharing system

⤨ check out page

⤨ wishlist 

⤨ sign up forms

⤨ variable product upload business site

⤨ difference price for different class 

⤨ difference price for difference zone

⤨ make customer order invoice

What will you get?

you will get your eye-catching website according to your requirement also get a zip file or pdf documentation video documentation as well as you see a live update to your website.

Quantity: 1
Price: $79.00
Message abdulbaribd