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I will do professional image pattern change in Photoshop

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HI,  I am a professional graphic designer.

Photoshop allows you to create your own patterns (or use an existing one) and apply it to an image as a fill layer. This means you can scale the pattern, as well as changing opacity and blending modes to make it look like the pattern was always part of the image. 

To apply a pattern to text layers as a layered effect, do any of the following:

Select one or more text layers in the Layers panel and then click any pattern in the Patterns panel to apply it.

Drag a pattern from the Patterns panel onto the text content on the canvas area.

Drag a pattern from the Patterns panel onto a layer in the Layers panel. 

What you will get Extra?

100% satisfaction Guaranteed

24 Hour Express Delivery

Refund if you feel not good

Fast & Friendly Customer Service

unlimited revision Free

Don't worry if the service you want is NOT listed above, feel free to contact me and we will discuss about it. I will Reply back to you ASAP.



What will you get?


Quantity: 1
Price: $10.00
Message cutoutimage2020