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I will update, fix or add imdb credits, or create a new page

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1) I will update, fix or add imdb credits, or create a new page


About my gig / task

Hey friends - I offer imdb page services

1 order = 1 credit change

I have 13 years of experience with film production business as producer and director - and

so with IMDB. I know how to make IMDB accept your customer wishes.

I will make your changes within 24h (most of the time sooner), and IMDB may take another 3-5 business day to update it in their system, but I will provide you with proof that the submission was done.

Ask me if you have questions mifrendos.

Greets DfenderMedia


Youtube Twitch IMDB

What will you get?

You will get a screenshot of the done work and you will see your changes after proceeded them.

Quantity: 1
Price: $10.00
Message dfendermedia