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LEADS Provider for Online Marketing. Complete with Vital Information.

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Are you needing a very detailed LEADS information for your business niche, or are you doing a massive Internet campaign for your business? Are you looking for prospects or sales?

I can provide you with following information below. This is what you are looking for and it comes with the cheapest price.

You can pick your choice of professions or fields (doctors, automotive, lawyers, electrician, real estate agents, everything) per specific state, or city all over United States.

The price is $7.99 per profession.

Company Name




Postal Code


Website URL


Owner First Name

Owner Last Name

Year Started


Revenue Estimate



Twitter ID Twitter Followers #

Twitter Likes

Facebook Page URL

FB Likes #

YouTube URL

YouTube Subscribers

Instagram URL

Instagram Followers #

Instagram ID

Pinterest URL

Pinterest Followers #

What will you get?

The final product will be submitted with the complete details in excel spreadsheet. At least 300 rows per profession or field of work.

Quantity: 1
Price: $7.99
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