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If YOU’RE IN for creating posts that encourage engagement, then YOU’RE AT THE RIGHT PLACE. The ultimate real estate marketing social media. Design a beautiful feed with valuable content for your dream clients in minutes.

Easily customizable in Canva giving you more time to focus on selling homes.

What's Included:

Real Estate Checklist 

Buyer and Seller Tips

Client Testimonial

Meet Your Realtor

just Listed

Q & A Real Estate

Just Sold

Glossary Words and Concepts

Photo Gallery

Inspirational Quotes

Infographics, Charts, Diagrams

Reminders and Notifications

The posts are in Instagram Post size (1080px x 1080px) and are fully editable on Canva ! You can also use these on Facebook!

What will you get?

The final product will be delivered in an formats  Pdf or Image Text File.

Quantity: 1
Price: $10.00
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