Esecurity - Security Specialists
This training was developed for IT professionals who want to improve their knowledge in Offensive Security and want to know in depth the techniques used during an intrusion test process. During the training we will cover a lot about Python and C, in order to create our own tools for analysis, testing and attacks.
What will you get?
COURSE CONTENT Lesson 01 - Python - Pentest vs Python - Python versions - Python libraries - Python Map Lesson 02 - Interpreted vs. Compiled Languages - Interactive interpreter - The need for Scripts - Environment variables - Understanding PATH variable Lesson 03 - Languages with dynamic typing - Need for identification Lesson 04 - Variables - Global and Local Variables - Variable Types - Debugging Variable values - String Variables Lesson 05 - Numerical Variables - Float, Long and Complex variables - Converting Strings and Numeric Variables - List type variables - Tuple type variables Lesson 06 - Dictionary Variables - Manipulating string variables - Comparison Operators - Assignment operators - Logical operators and affiliation Lesson 07 - Loop with While - Loop with for - Break condition Lesson 08 - Modules - How Python Finds Modules - Script with Arguments Lesson 09 - Definition of Functions - Error Handling Lesson 10 - Sockets - Types of Sockets - Stream Sockets - Datagram Sockets - Package Control in Datagram - Sockets module Lesson 11 - TCP / IP communication - Ethernet frame Lesson 12 - Random - Pseudo Random - Cartesian Plan Lesson 13 - Regular Expressions - Metacharacters - CUT Command - SED Command Lesson 14 - GREP Command - EGREP command - AWK command Lesson 15 - Nmap and Python Lesson 16 - Manipulating files with Python - Reading and Writing to Bits Lesson 17 - Python conversions - Converting Bases with Python - Working with Salts - System commands with Python Lesson 18 - Web requests with Python - WEB authentication with Python - Simple Python Socket + Backdoor Lesson 19 - High Level vs. Low Level Code - Levels of Abstraction - ARM vs X86 vs X64 - X86_64 vs AMD64 Lesson 20 - Process Address Space - RAM Memory Architecture - Binary vs Decimal vs Hexadecimal Lesson 21 - Internal memory structure - The cells - Internal memory structure - Calculating addresses - Connection of CPU to Memory Lesson 22 - Little-Endian vs Big-Endian - Mnemonics and Opcodes - x86 recorders - Instructions format - Special purpose recorders - FLAGS Lesson 23 - Buffer Overflow - Buffer allocation - Buffer Overflow - W10 x W7 Buffer Overflow Lesson 24 - Exercise: Find the EIP and Inject Arbitrary Code Lesson 25 - Knowing Helppc Assembler - Getting to know MingW - Knowing Code Blocks - I developed a mini C program - Analyzing via OllyDbg - Getting to know readelf Lesson 26 - Exercise: Develop Executable that receives parameters - Analyze executable via GDB - Simulate Buffer Overflow Lesson 27 - Memory Protection - Recorders - x64 registers - Dissecting DWORDS - Call Stack - Stack Frame - Virtual Memory Addressing Lesson 28 - Bitwise operations - Bitwise OR - Bitwise AND - Bitwise NOT - Bitwise XOR - Unique Key Ciphers - AND operation through images - OR operation through images - XOR operation through images Lesson 29 - SHL Instruction - SHR Instruction - Subdivisible recorders - Non-divisible registers - Getting to know OllyDbg Lesson 30 - EFLAGS - Flags Carry and Parity - Flags Auxiliary Carry, Zero and Sign - Flags Trap, Interrupt Enable, Direction and Overflow Lesson 31 - Writing our first Assembly Code - Data Section - Text Section - Const Section - Code Section - BSS Section and Comments Lesson 32 - Windows Debug - Subdivisible recorders - Writing our first Assembly Code - Understanding interruptions 20h and 21h Lesson 33 - Going deeper into Stack - PUSH and POP instructions - PUSHA and POPA / PUSHAD and POPAD instructions - LIFO - Assembly Function Calls - Understanding CDECL - Function call sequence - Prologue and Epilogue of Function - RET Lesson 34 - Understanding Stack Frame - Comparison C vsAssembly Lesson 35 - Exercise: Analyzing Malware Lesson 36 - Exercise: Analyzing Malware Lesson 37 - Basic Malware Analysis - Dynamic vs Static Analysis - The use of VM for Malware Reverse - FakeNet - Process Explorer by SysInternals - Wireshark - Understanding Trojan Downloader Lesson 38 - Analyzing Malware with FakeNet and Process Explorer - Analyzing Malware with FakeNet and Wireshark - Analyzing Malware with OllyDbg Lesson 39 - Exercise: Breaking Protections with OllyDbg (Crack) Lesson 40 - Exercise: Breaking Protections with OllyDbg (Crack) Lesson 41 - Exercise: Analyzing ELF with GDB Lesson 42 - Exercise: Finding EIP in ELF Lesson 43 - Monitoring System Calls - Getting to know STRACE - Getting to know LTRACE Lesson 44 - Understanding ASLR - GCC Build Options Lesson 45 - Exercise: Execution Hijacked