Musician Strategic Business Plan and 1-Month Action Plan
I am working and have been immersed in the music industry for a number of years as a musician manager and consultant. I have worked with artists such as Rozotadi, Michael Lanza, Michael Constantino, and Tireek. My usual rates for this kind of business plan start at roughly $250/hr but am trying to support artists and creatives during this trying time, so I am offering them at a hyper discounted rate.
I will ask for a series of documents/information from you to get a better idea where you are as an artist/business. From that, I will give you a step by step 1 month action plan to motivate you towards the next level as an artist and business. This will cover a range of topics, which largely varies from client to client and based on need. It usually will include social media management strategy, artist personal business development, brand development and music development.
What will you get?
I will deliver a PDF document approximately 15 pages in length that outlines the appropriate details that contains the above mentioned topics.