Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

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Our experts help their clients in determining how an investment is likely to perform and how suitable it will be for them by evaluating their risks, yield potentials and price movements.


Due Diligence Investment Policy Financial Models Financial Projection Financial Strategy Defensive Investment Wealth, Management Investment, Management Fund Manager Equity Research Market Intelligence Market & Economic Trends Investment Compliance Asset Management Fund Management Portfolio Structuring Factor Investing Portfolio Optimization Forecasting Stock Returns Value of Forecasting Investment Compliance Alternative Investment Financial Modelling Equity Instrument


Performing financial due diligence and analysis on prospective projects and recommending an investment decision. Developing an investment policy aligned to the company’s criteria foe evaluating prospective clients. Creating financial models that enhance return on investment of projects and financial planning. Preparation of financial documents for presentation to potential and current investors on specific investments. Analyzing company accounts and financial projections and advice the company on how to best position its investments. Providing updates on financial market’s activities in order to right position the company in local and global market. Liaising with fund managers, company managers, stock market traders, stockbrokers and regulators with a view to expanding funding access while improving market perception. Conducting market research on the industry and gather market intelligence to enhance management of funds.

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Price: $100.00