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I will do image face retouching within 4 hours.

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I will do your image face retouching/cleaning.

1. What I do

 1.  Image face retouching/cleaning

 2.  Smooth skin

 3.  Remove dark circle

 4.  Color correction

Please contact me befor buying the task

2. Facilities 

 1.  High resolution 

 2.  PSD source file

 3.  Commercial use

10 Revisons

3. Delivery formate


 1.  JPG

 2.  PNG

 3.  Pixar

 4.  PSD

Thank you

Image face retouching | Color correction | dark spot remove

What will you get?

I will provide my final product of image face retouch in any formate custmor want.

I am also give you source file of task in PSD formate.

Quantity: 1
Price: $2.00
Message jagdishpra