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I can offer Best eye-catching business card designs

  • 5.00

    (5 Task Reviews)

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A business card is the first impression of your brand.

When you meet someone that could potentially be a great prospect or connection, don’t you want him or her to walk away with a great first impression? A memorable business card does a lot more than just pass on an email address or phone number. A business card is a physical object that a potential prospect leaves the encounter with. Your brand stays with them.The logo makes your brand stickier, provides a foundation for your future branding efforts and more! In other words, a logo is the building block of your visual brand and is the asset you can use to connect with your audience right away.

What will you get?

Source File zip ( PNG,JPG,AI,PSD,EPS,PDF,GIF)

5 Reviews

5.00 Average

Amazing job once again!

Very quick and much attention to detail. Truly talented!!

- shender

Very quick and easy to work with. Fantastic work!

- shender
Great work

Thank you for your hard work on the product mockups and logo design. They look fab.

- anytask_sabrina
Great Black Friday newsletter mockup

Another custom design created to the brief.

- anytask_sabrina
Spa logo and voucher design

Another great logo and mockup design.

- anytask_sabrina
Quantity: 1
Price: $20.00
Message logomaker430