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Digitize for embroidery

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Embroidery digitizing services for cap and left chest with dimensions up to 10/10 cm, three colors and/or five objects. The text (if any) is considered as one object. Accepted artwork format for digitizing embroidery design: BMP, DXF, EMF, ECW, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF and PDF. You will receive a bonus with every order: (light base) Electroneum embroidery design logo!

What will you get?

You will receive picture of the embroidery design in 3D picture for initial approval. Тhe final embroidery design will receive in EMB format or at your request in some of the supported Embroidery machines formats: Tajima, Barudan, Melco, Toyota, Zsk, Pfaff, Singer, Brother, Happy, Husqvarna and more (just ask).

Quantity: 1
Price: $5.00
Message madgosh