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I will create an engaging email campaign marketing, setup email automation

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Are you looking for Email listing campaigns and email template design ? Then I am here for you. I will provide you services like valid Email listing and email template design...I always try to provide excellent service.

1k Targeted Email list only Email address from your requirements=20$,Date 3

5k Targeted Email list only Email address from your requirements=60$,Date 8

20k Targeted Email list only Email address from your requirements=200$,Date 15

What i do for Email marketing automation :

Account setup

Setup sender domain/Email

Create/setup contact list

Upload contact to list

Create contact or signup form

Design/Upload template

Run successful campaign

Schedule the campaign

Fix bug or error of campaign

Automation setup

Why Choose Me ?


Fast delivery

100% satisfaction

Unlimited revision

== Please contact me before placing any order ==

thanks and best regards

What will you get?

I produce this kind of server:

Account setup

Setup sender domain/Email

Create/setup contact list

Upload contact to list

Create contact or signup form

Design/Upload template

Run successful campaign

Schedule the campaign

Fix bug or error of campaign

Automation setup

Quantity: 1
Price: $20.00
Message mahmudulsuit420