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I will do local citation for all the world

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About This Gig

Citations are one of the Very Important Local SEO strategies which helps businesses to rank higher in the Google Local Search for your area.

Who should order this gig?

If you're looking to get your LOCAL business high on MAP results, then this gig is for you

Benefits of this service:

100% manual submission

Rank Higher on Maps!

Gain Local traffic

Your Business details show up in Maps

it helps in 3pack ranking

Pure Google map citations

200 Maps Citations + 5 Driving Directions + 30 Mile Radius area cover=10$,1 days

500 Maps Citations + 7 Driving Directions + 30 Mile Radius area cover=25$,3days

1000 Maps Citations + 9 Driving Directions + 30 Mile Radius area cover=50$ , 6days

So there is no point in wasting time. Order now for your business to grow up!!

thank you

What will you get?

100% manual submission

Rank Higher on Maps!

Gain Local traffic

Your Business details show up in Maps

it helps in 3pack ranking

Pure Google map citations

Quantity: 1
Price: $10.00
Message mahmudulsuit420