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Meet George & Cinthya, The couple behind Ivanstudio.

With over a thousand gigs sold in four years, George and Cinthya have demonstrated why they are amongst the top talents on

With over a thousand high-quality video editing and production projects sold in four years to clients around the world, George and Cinthya Ivan of Ivan Studio have demonstrated why they are amongst the top talents on “We have a great passion for what we do, and we truly enjoy each Task as if we were doing it for ourselves,” said George. “We do as many revisions as necessary until the completed Task looks exactly like our clients asked”.

How it all began

The Ivans are from Romania and have been married since 2009. A year into their marriage, they decided to start doing a bit of freelancing, and so began what has been an incredible journey for them. “Gradually through tons of tutorials and video explainers, we began getting better at what we love doing”. The talent behind Ivan Studio explained they became fulltime


For now, Ivan Studio make most of their income from one other online platform as well as local networking. However, Cinthya and George have done their due diligence and after trying different freelance platforms, they decided is the only other online platform they would dedicate their time to.

George & Cinthya’s Reviews

“Always an artwork!”

“Great video delivered once again, thank you for your work and professionalism, Ivanstudio”


“Thank you for a job well done!”

“It was a great experience once again. We had some adjustments to address but they were done quick and fast!”


“Professional video ad!”

“Once again, this is a top-notch video from these guys! I am not the easiest client, but they always deliver up to the task!”


George & Cinthya’s Tasks