Landing Page, Website, Wordpress + SEO optimization

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I am a Front-End Web developer with 2 years of experience. Websites are 100% customizable, professional, and mobile/tablet friendly, based on your custom design requirements. I have experience with Wordpress, PSD to HTML & CSS and a good Seo optimization, for ranking in Google, Bing Yandex and etc. More about my skills: HTML & CSS ✔️ Javascript & jQuery ✔️ Bootstrap ✔️ Wordpress ✔️ Seo-optimization ✔️ Fully Responsive design ✔️ Website Monetization (Adsense, PropellerAds and etc.) ✔️

What will you get?

Landing Page $50 to $300 I will build you a quick landing page, Seo friendly, 1 page website. Wordpress Blog $150 to $1,000 I will build you a quick Woprdpress Website with at least 10 pages, Seo optimization(Google Ranking perspective). Professional Wordpress Website $500 to $5,000 I will build you a professional Wordpress website with payment methods and etc... Seo optimization(google ranking perspective).

Quantity: 1
Price: $8.00