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I can Design children book cover, e book cover, fantasy book cover, Travel Book cover

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My respected client,

A book cover of a specific design is required to ensure that your book reaches more readers. I have created a process for the success of all my clients. I’ll start by figuring out the concept of your book and then telling your story through my art which is specifically intended for your audience.

I provide 3d mockup and promotional Graphic Kit to all my clients.

Reasons to choose me?

3d Mockup and promotional Graphic Kit for authors

Print-ready files

Concept-based book cover

Licensed Images and copyrights

Unlimited revisions

Premium Customer Support

Professional and Hardworking Guy

Creative, professional and friendly book designer with unique style.

Illustration for your book cover.

Typography for your book cover.

You will find the following book covers.

I am available 24/7 for consultation and to guide you through process

 Look no further and place an order right now !

What will you get?

You will get,

Printable JPEG Files

Printable PNG Files

Printable PDF Files

AI source File

MockUp Files

and more and more.

Quantity: 1
Price: $8.00
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