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I will ingram spark book formatting and amazon KDP book formatting, paperback and ebook

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If you want your book 100% ready for publishing on Amazon KDP, Ingramspark, Lulu, Book Baby, Barnes and Noble, etc. then you are in the right place.

 I will format your books for KDP Print or Kindle, Createspace, Lightning Source, Smashwords, Drafts to Digital, D2D, or any printer or publisher.

My Service:

E-book and Paperback Formatting

Clickable TOC

Line Spacing and Margins

Bullets and Tables

Headers and footers


Drop caps

Modern Layout Image Formatting

Print ready & Source File Alignment

Unlimited Revisions


Why choose me:

High-Quality Book Formatting

Efficient & Effective feedback 24/7

Eye-catching & Clean font

Perfect Spacing & Indenting

Stylish layout design

Experienced and creative

Reliable and Honest

Correcting orphans and widow


Your manuscript in Word doc, Docx

Your choice of Trim Size

Special needs, like Your choice of Fonts

Please message me first & discuss your requirements before placing an order. Because every service belongs to a different price. Thanks

my all Services:

children's book +kdp book+kindle ebook+paperback+print book formatting

book cover formatting for kdp

What will you get?

Your manuscript in Word doc, Docx

Quantity: 1
Price: $10.00
Message nazrulptk88