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Google Team Drives on SALE (Buy one get one free!)

  • 5.00

    (1 Task Reviews)

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Unlimited Space with lifetime usage ✔ One Time Payment ✔ Trusted Seller ✔ Note : A) Team Drives won't integrate with Google Photos. However, you still can upload your photos manually into team drive from desktop web or Google Drive app. B) Team Drives don't work with Google Backup & Sync. All uploads to be done manually through web browser or Google Drive mobile app. I can add either two team drives together in one gmail id or two separate gmail id (Depending on you). Any Questions?Message me and i will be happy to help . *For limited time (Promotion) *Not valid on shopee promotion day such as mega sale etc. Send us your gmail id on which you require shared drive.

What will you get?

We will be sending you the team drive space in your google account using your google email id and the team drive can be found under your google drive under the shared folder option in google drive which has unlimited space,The above is an example on how the team drive will look like.

1 Reviews

5.00 Average


- humanatix
Message nischay