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Remove or cut out object, watermark, logo to photo.

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Note: Different types of images have different types of complexity. So, prices may vary depending on the images. So, contact me freely before making an order.

Some unwanted object or someone is ruining your photo? Or something (watermark, logo etc.) is unnecessary in your photo or document?

And you want those shit to be removed.

So, send those photos or documents to PIXDRA to have the perfect solution.

We make your photos, wedding, photos free from unnecessary objects or any ugly things and make the photos, images the perfect one which you desire.

PIXDRA includes services:

Object remove from photo.

Add object in photo.

Color correction.

Background removal (Check our other Tasks).

Neck joint.

Remove or add watermark to photo or document.

Remove or add logo to photo or document.

Reason behind choosing PIXDRA:

Over 11 years of experience.

Easy to work with.

Professional output.

Friendly communication.

Highly focusing on deadline.

24/7 support.

So, let’s have a great relation with PIXDRA.

We will never disappoint you.

Note: We don’t work on adult images.

If you have any other queries then contact me freely.



Founder & CEO, PIXDRA.




What will you get?

Remove easy single person or object

1 image

The final product will be in .jpg .png or .pdf just tell me which format you want.

Message pixdra