Social Media Marketing - Ads

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I can create and manage campaigns, whether it be a one off, or ongoing. I get good, measurable results. But like I tell all clients, it’s not an overnight fix! Working together to get your results could be a day, or could be weeks/months. It purely depends on the support you need! I can advise on as well as create content, but I mainly deal with targeting ads to the right types of people, based off of data bases built from campaigns that we will work on together. I charge a rate of $35/hr or, as a lot of my customers prefer, I charge a fixed rate of $350+VAT for 10hrs on a monthly retainer which covers all aspects of building, launching and reporting on your specific Ed social media campaign.

What will you get?

The results of any campaign will be seen in your social media advertising dashboard. Reports can be built and sent around any specific metrics you would like measured.

Quantity: 1
Price: $35.00