300-500 Long Tail Relevant Keywords Related to Your Niche or Website

  • 4.60

    (8 Task Reviews)

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I will research and give you 300-500 relevant long tail keywords with search volume for fast ranking on google page 1. You can use these keywords for creating contextual backlinks for your blog/website.

What will you get?

300-500 Keywords

8 Reviews

4.60 Average

Not much to write

Not much to write home about, you know? It's like when I export stuff from tools like Semrush or KeywordTool. No neat keyword grouping, lot of short and similar keywords. You can try with this price.

- kakalot

great work/

- greetingtitan

Lots of single-word keywords but the overall list is good for the price!

- dazedconfused11

Very fast and good handling of my order. I will order again and can also recommend this seller 👍😉

- yvonne

it's okay but underwhelming at the same time - generic list of keywords with little regard to request for specific sub topics

- dazedconfused11
Quantity: 1
Price: $1.50