I will take your IELTS Speaking Test daily and give you score

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The International English Language Testing System or IELTS is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English and was established in 1989. IELTS is one of the major English-language tests in the world. All IELTS scores are between 0 and 9. You can also get .5 scores as well (for example, 6.5 or 7.5). You will get a band score for each skill (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and also an overview band score. The overall band score is the average score of all the skills. What is a good IELTS score? According to the British Council, if you score a 9 on the exam, you're an “expert” in English; if you score an 8, you're “very good” at English; and so on. IELTS scores almost always range from 1 to 9 (“non-user” to “expert”), and there is a 0 score as well (“did not attempt”).

What will you get?

I'll be taking your IELTS Speaking Test through Skype/WhatsApp/Messanger Video Call. Each day my questions will be unique and you will be able to discover what your mistakes are and how to avoid them. I'm sure after this process you'll know exactly what to expect in the IELTS speaking exam as well as you'll be confident that you can give answers that will score well. I'll give you expert advice that will save you hours of self study. I'll continue this process for one week without the weekend. Are you ready to take the IELTS exam?

Price: $20.00