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i will do social media banner design

  • 4.00

    (2 Task Reviews)

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i will do social media banner design fast and quickly whatever you want

1. social media post design, banner ads

2. social media banner , beautiful ad  

3. SM ads, graphics for Facebook  

4. Facebook ads , attractive carousel 

5. Instagram post template, pictures for FB & IG

6. web banner design, best themed post and stories

What will you get?

Ai. psd. jpeg.png whatever you want

2 Reviews

4.00 Average

Got there in the end but nice design provided

Provided detailed brief and even examples of what was needed, but design was nowhere near this. Seller offered many revisions on the design which was nice as instructions were not followed 100%. We got there in the end with a nice design though had to provide assets to get the work over the line. Marked down because of the time it took to get a final design delivered. Thank you for your hard work.

- anytask_stef
Nice social banner

Thank you for your hard work. Design is nice. And worked on revisions. Very professional. Thank you.

- anytask_stef
Quantity: 1
Price: $10.00
Message shohanur1234