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I will think of 5 original name ideas for your business, brand or service

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Stupendousguy has done a wonderful job in searching names for my company. They are very supportive and have a professional approach. I would definitely recommend Stupendousguy."

My name is Mayank and I'm the founder of Stupendousguy services. I'm a naming enthusiast and master brainstormer. Naming is my keen hobby.

In this task I'll research your target market and come up with 5 different name ideas you can use to present your business, service or product. I'll check for names that do well in your industry and brainstorm suggestions that grab attention.

Why is this gig different than other naming gigs?

I spend way too many hours reading books on name development and linguistics. I am one of the few namers on this platform that understand the impact of unique sounds and varying numbers of syllables on the flow of a business name. I make sure every name is easy to spell and pronounce in as many languages as possible. In short, I take care of the details most namers don't even know exist.

Message me if you have any queries. I typically answer within an hour or two.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are There No $5 Options?

Because naming a business is a process that takes time. I manually create all names I deliver. If you order a $5 gig elsewhere, you will probably receive suggestions that were generated by a name generator. That's something you can do by yourself. Check my profile for me vs. others comparison.

How Do You Develop Brand Names?

I read a lot naming books. I also had over 200 naming orders in the last year. By combining my theoretical and practical knowledge, I developed a system that produces quality names. Naming a business is solving a problem. And I'm great at this.

Can You Make Sure The Names You Deliver Are Available For Trademark?

Sure. I can check for US, EU or international availability. All you have to do is include the trademarking extra on your order. Message me if you need me to check trademark availability in a specific country.

Why Are There Too Extras For Available Domains?

Getting a name with an available domain is extremely hard nowadays. The cheaper domain extra means I'll make sure all names have available non .com domains (.org, .net, .io., .co. etc.). The .com extra means all names I deliver have available .com domains.

What will you get?

I will provide you brainstorm suggestion of names for your brand/Business/service in text, .doc or .pdf format.

Quantity: 1
Price: $78.00
Message stupendousguy