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b2b lead generation for your business

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Hello, I’m Talha

Welcome to my gig

And I'm pretty expert in b2b lead generation web research and email list building. I have an expert team and they have strong experience in b2b lead generation and targeted email list building.

Nowadays b2b lead generation and email list building is the most demandable work. Me and my teammates have great expertise in b2b lead generation and targeted email collecting.

Your money and our talent will make the perfect combination between b2b lead generation and collecting targeted emails for your business

I have long expertise in

☑ B2B Lead Generation

☑ LinkedIn Lead Generation

☑ E-mail List Building

☑ Targeted Lead generation (Industry/Location/Title etc)

☑ LinkedIn Sales Navigator

☑ Web Research

LinkedIn advanced searches + LinkedIn Sales Navigator

☑ LinkedIn profile sourcing

☑ Title Search

☑ Companies Search

☑ Companies Employee Size

☑ Company Website

I will provide your desire work on excel/CSV in the format below:

Company name

First name

Last name


E-mail Address

Phone no,

Contact Address

LinkedIn profile

Website (if need)

Every contact information will be verified by the QA team

Note: For professional work contact me before placing an order

What will you get?

I will provide your desire work on excel/CSV in the format below:

Company name

First name

Last name


E-mail Address

Phone no,

Contact Address

LinkedIn profile

Website (if need)

Quantity: 1
Price: $5.00
Message talhabissadik