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I will do technical website analysis to give you an on page SEO report

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Have you ever wonder why people don't visit to your website often?

---If you so then don't worry I'm here to provide you your website's technical SEO report.

If you want perfect on-page SEO to help your website boost in rankings then look no further.

I will give your site a technical audit using the Website Auditor. The report will have real actionable steps that you can take to boost your Google rankings to the top.

Many website owners make the mistake of concentrating on backlinks first when they've built their site and completely miss out on the next step before link building; on-page optimization. All this can be achieved with the help of a technical SEO report.

With this website audit, I can help you get great on-page factors to boost your rankings.  This means that you'll spend less on building links and more time ranking.

What will you get?

Site SEO AuditIndex OptimizationXML SitemapRobots.txt.

You'll get a complete PDF file of your website's SEO REPORT.

Quantity: 1
Price: $5.00
Message tanvir17