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I will Create a unique and modern QR code for you.

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Hello, Dear There!

Welcome to my Services. Are you looking for a unique QR code for your Business?? I'm here to help you. I am available there to make OR codes and work with your information in any shape of QR code.

What Type of QR code can I create for You?:

website: Portfolio, Company.

Social Media Accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Youtube

Email: Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Zoho, or any other email service

 Contact (vCard, meCard): Name, Company, Position, Phone number, Email, Website, Address

Location: Google Maps with QR code

WiFi Login: Connect to your specified wireless SSID and Password

Payment methods: Paypal now and other pay apps

App Store: fires up Google Play or Apple App Store download page

Store message: plain-text

I am the most trusted seller in this marketplace so you can trust me in this matter:

Your order will be 100% satisfied.

I will give you a full refund if you are not satisfied.

Unlimited Revisions. 


24/7 VIP support.  

What I will provide you:

High-resolution files

Stylish, modern, and any shep QR codes

File Format: PNG, JPG, EPS, SVG, PDF

If you have any questions Please feel free to contact me first before placing an order.

What will you get?

I will give you free source files and others files JPG, PNG, PDF, EPS, PNG, JPG, TIFF, SAV

I will give you those files via email

I will delivered within 2 hours

I will design 1 Credit Card just for 5$

Quantity: 1
Price: $5.00
Message timran453