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I will create a fully responsive single page website.

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Hi there!

It is "WalidurTanjim". I am here to provide you fully functional responsive single page website which can be used for any purpose such as personal portfolio, photography, startups, busiess, travel and any anything you want.

Product will be:

Compatible with any browser

Device friendly

Awesome font selection

Great color selection

Error free

Good graphics website

What I will use:

•> HTML5

•> CSS3

•> JS

•> Bootstrap

•> PHP

what you will get:

99.99℅ satisfactory product

100℅ money back guarantee

Sample of your task free of cost

What will you get?

Final product will be a .zip archive which will be consisting of .html/.css/bootstrap/.js/.php files.

I will also upload final product to the server if you provide credentials.

Message walidurtanjim